The event was supposed to start from 10.30am, and we as (kiasu) Singaporean, went there at 9.30am, just to get a carpark lot that is near to the park. We were blessed to get a lot just 2 mins walk from the entrance and it was free parking some more. How nice it is to start the day! We then went for a light breakfast and then went back when it was 10.30am. To our horror, the queue started since 9am, and by the time we got there, there was already like 200 people in the queue!
Thanks to Cyndee for highlighting my pregnant state to the officials. They graciously gave us priority and escorted us near the front of the queue. Security was tight, there was even bag search and the area was fenced up with 3m high fences. After we got in, collected our goodie bag, we went straight to queue for chilli crab and roti prata! From the entrance queue, we proceeded to the food queue and by 11.20am, we managed to get in the queue for roti prata. It was only in the queue then we found out that chilli crab will only start at 12pm! That is more than 30mins of wait, but since I've come for this only, I went on to be the first for the chilli crab queue.

People in front of us queuing for food

People behind us

See, every line is open except the chilli crab! Angry!

Chilli crab stall waiting to open

Audrey and I waiting patiently in the queue, finishing 2 bowls of laksa and roti prata already.
At 12pm, we finally got our chilli crab and we left the queue happy!

A happy me!
After eating, we went to watch the performances and Matthew had a fun time dancing to the music. Phua Chu Kang & co were there and he was really entertaining. Speaking all the singlish and cracking all the jokes that only Singaporeans can understand.
We didn't bother to queue up for the rest of the food, because it was simply too long, and we didn't crave for those so much.

See the crowd up the slope behind us? That's the snaking food queue!

PCK was there to entertain.

What's next?
We left the place satisfied and with a tired Matthew, who dozed off just 5 mins in the car. Thanks to the Overseas Singaporean body from the PMO for organising this event. We are sure everyone who went had fun.