Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Day 8 - We got the car!

We were very excited today as we were going to sign the lease of the house with the agent. As straight forward as it is, we still need to sign on every item on the tenancy agreement. There were about 47 items and 3 copies of the same document, one for the agent, tenant and the landlord. Now, you do the math! The signature just got shorter and shorter. We then borrowed the keys to do some measurement of the house. We practically measured the whole house! Here are some pictures of the house. We also met up with the landlord, who apparently stays behind our house. They have 2 young boys, whom I think can be playmates with Matthew next time. They seems to be Hongkongers. Well, we will find out that soon.

After the house, we drove to Seaford to check out a Hyundai Lantra Sportswagon. Seaford is quite far from Box Hill, so we definitely don't wish to go back empty handed this time. We test drove the Hyundai, and much to our disappointment, it just didn't match up to our slightest expectation. First of all, it creaks! Alot! And the window at the driver's side, cannot be wind down properly, let alone be wind up again. And then there was the missing door opener at the right hand side of the passenger seat. Is that a reinforcement of child lock or what?! After the broken window, we were ready to turn back the car and send it back. The sales guy then recommended a Ford Mondeo to us. Although it is 2 years older than the Hyundai, it is a luxury car, and it has power everything. Power window, central locking, power mirror steering, and airbags! We test drove it, and it turned out to be the most steady and comfortable car out of all we have tested. Not that we have tested alot! This car hunting is very tiring, so when we found one that we liked, we bought it. Spent about another one hour at the car yard to process the payments, and we got the keys and drove it back to city. Short and sweet process. By the way, it costs us $6,500. $1000 below our budget that was meant for a Camry.


Anonymous said...

Congrats folks! (For getting both the house & the car within a week or so...) --beeling

Anonymous said...

you bought a car with less than half of what my COE costed... lolx

Anonymous said...

so nice...juz got back from sydney..must visit you in melbourne..thats what lydia said!


Anonymous said...

Chinee..your house is so niceee and scenery looks good from here..Hope you had a great time staying there..will try to visit you one day yah..take care and send regards to Matthew.
