Saturday, September 8, 2007

Lawn mower symphony

Most houses/units have a grass patch in the front or backyard. It gets quite long, as most grass tend to do, so a regular cutting is required every few weeks or so, depending on your tolerance for unsightly yards.

I was told by a colleague that Sunday are de-facto lawn mowing days. This is probably because people who work, do not have time to mow their lawns on weekdays. Oddly enough, this becomes a ritual. As observed by my colleague, although retirees have the whole week (mon-fri) to trim their grass, they only do it on weekends. Another ritual observed is that after the 1st lawn mower starts, the sound (which sounds like brrrrrrrrr...) of the petrol powered cutter engine 'makes a call' to all other lawn mowers 'to join in' and shortly after, you will find the whole neighbourhood in a symphony of grass-cutters.

Being a first-timer, we bought a manual lawn mower, thinking "how hard could it be?". However it turned out to be quite a physical work out. Often getting stuck halfway, we needed to remove the clumps of grass and dirt stuck in the blades. Partly this was due to long-overdue grass cutting - longer grass tends make difficult cutting, especially with a manual. After an hour of hardwork, the job was done. However upon inspection later, the lawn as if it had been ravaged by some wild grass eating creature, with haphazard patches of uncut grass scattered at various places.

I guess another round of trimming is in order... next week.

1 comment:

mumdad said...

Hi juan/chinee

interesting and well written entries all. Hope matthew is better now. Yes, actually too much medication is not good for the body as the body has its own way of healing itself - albeit slower. we chuckled over his hide and seek games. I guess we can look forward to playing that with him. He is really cute!See you all soon. Dad has bought enough books to start a small library for him!