(by ChinEe)
Woke up late, and had an expensive breakfast at the coffee house downstairs. Cost us A$27 for a pancake, omelette with coffee and tea! Anyway, that was quite filling and lasted us till 2pm.
We were quite anxious the whole day as we are supposed to know if any of our applications got through, but till noon, nobody called us yet. I called up one of the agents and I was told that if the agent didn't call, she/he probably doesn't have any feedback themselves. So that kind of assured me a little.
Shortlisted some more cars, and text the owners to see if they are still available. Texting is cheaper than calling, literally $0.25 vs $1. The cost for using mobile phone here is horrendous, that is comparing to the competitive rates in Singapore.
We made an appointment with a Volkswagon Passat owner, and he was 20km away north from the city, which is probably like driving from Changi to CBD. It was a disappointing viewing. Although it is supposed to be 'luxury' car, it was pretty used in the interior. First of all, we almost couldn't go for a test drive, as the engine didn't start! After driving around for awhile, it was even worse than the Camry we tested the day before. Engine performance aside, the interior of the car seems like it has been around for more than 20 years. Just not well maintained. The owner was even quoting it for A$7950! So much for driving to the other end of town to view that kind of car.
Hee Juan had a missed call on the way back, and we didn't know if it was from the agent (no caller id shown), so we decided to head back to the apartment to call and check for updates as well. True enough, she was the one who called earlier on, and she has good news for us! WE GOT THE HOUSE! Our 1st choice. Thank God for that! Only God can provide us with accommodation in less than 1 week time. We spoke to an agent and she was telling us it usually take weeks before one gets a place. We were very excited and happy and quickly called up the bank to arrange for bank cheques and then we went to Ikea to look at things to buy.
We then brought back some food from Coles and came back to cook. Somehow homecook food still taste better outside food, even though the ingredients was pretty instant. We had chicken kebabs, canned soup and salad, and not forgetting some really nice and crunchy strawberries.
Must sleep early tonight as tomorrow is SHOPPING DAY!